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411 - Search Phone Directory
Lookup Phone Number
Reverse Phone Lookup

Lookup Phone Number from Name and Last Name, Phone No Lookup - 411

Phone directory assistance. 411 Directory or white pages. Find a phone number by name and last name. When you have just the first name or last name you can use online phone directories or premium people search directories to find phone number and address for the person or name you are looking for.

Lookup Name and Address from Phone Number, Reverse Phone Lookup - Reverse 411

Reverse phone search,Reverse Phone lookup or Reverse 411 means looking up name and current address of a phone number instantly. When you only have the phone number and are looking to see who is it called you you can do a reverse phone lookup or reverse phone lookup where you enter the number and search reverse phone directories for the name of the person or their location.

Lookup Phone Number from Address

Search landline phone, cell phone, mobile phone, VOIP, web & internet phone numbers from address. If you only have the address you can try to get name or phone number by entering address and searching in phone directories.

Search Name and Address from Fax Number

Search name and address associated with cell, mobile or fax phone number. This is like regular reverse phone lookup however there are directories for fax numbers only. When you enter the fax number it searches for the owner of the number you entered.

Search Name and Address from Disconnected Numbers

Search name and address associated with a disconnected number. Historical, phone number, directories, yellow and white pages.

Search Cell Phone Number by Name and Address, Cell Phone No Lookup, Mobile Lookup

Search cell phone number associated with a name or address. Usually cell phone numbers can be searched in premium directories since they are only sometimes available in phone directories but usually are in public records where premium search companies also conduct their searches. This is exactly like a reverse phone lookup but checking for a mobile, cell or cellular phone number

Lookup Name and Address of Toll Free or Payphone Numbers

Search the name and address associated with a Toll- free or payphone number. There are special directories for 800 or toll-free numbers when you enter the toll-free number search is conducted in these directories first and then other databases to get you results.

Search Name or Address from Internet Phone Number

Search name or address associated with VOIP, IP phone, broadband phone, web phone or internet phone number.

Cell Phones and Do Not Call Registry

Get phone numbers with instant telephone directory assistance for any caller ID, residential, business, cell, internet, fax, mobile number.

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Telephone Area Code by state in United States

State Area Codes
Alabama 205, 251, 256, 334, 659, 938
Alaska 907, 250
Arizona 480, 520, 602, 623, 928
Arkansas 327, 479, 501, 870
California 209, 213, 310, 323, 341, 369, 408, 415, 424, 442, 510, 530, 559, 562, 619, 626, 627, 628, 650, 657, 661, 669, 707, 714, 747, 760, 764, 805, 818, 831, 858, 909, 916, 925, 935, 949, 951
Colorado 303, 719, 720, 970
Connecticut 203, 475, 860, 959
Delaware 302
District of Columbia 202
Florida 239, 305, 321, 352, 386, 407, 561, 689, 727, 754, 772, 786, 813, 850, 863, 904, 941, 954
Georgia 229, 404, 470, 478, 678, 706, 762, 770, 912
Hawaii 808
Idaho 208
Illinois 217, 224, 309, 312, 331, 447, 464, 618, 630, 708, 730, 773, 779, 815, 847, 872
Indiana 219, 260, 317, 574, 765, 812
Iowa 319, 515, 563, 641, 712
Kansas 316, 620, 785, 913
Kentucky 270, 364, 502, 606, 859
Louisiana 225, 318, 337, 504, 985
Maine 207
Maryland 227, 240, 301, 410, 443, 667
Massachusetts 339, 351, 413, 508, 617, 774, 781, 857, 978
Michigan 231, 248, 269, 313, 517, 586, 616, 679, 734, 810, 906, 947, 989
Minnesota 218, 320, 507, 612, 651, 763, 952
Mississippi 228, 601, 662, 769
Missouri 314, 417, 557, 573, 636, 660, 816, 975
Montana 406
Nebraska 308, 402, 531
Nevada 702, 775
New Hampshire 603
New Jersey 201, 551, 609, 732, 848, 856, 862, 908, 973
New Mexico 505, 575
New York 212, 315, 347, 516, 518, 585, 607, 631, 646, 716, 718, 845, 914, 917, 929
North Carolina 252, 336, 704, 828, 910, 919, 980, 984
North Dakota 701
Ohio 216, 234, 283, 330, 380, 419, 440, 513, 567, 614, 740, 937
Oklahoma 405, 539, 580, 918
Oregon 458, 503, 541, 971
Pennsylvania 215, 267, 272, 412, 445, 484, 570, 582, 610, 717, 724, 814, 835, 878
Rhode Island 401
South Carolina 803, 843, 864
South Dakota 605
Tennessee 423, 615, 731, 865, 901, 931
Texas 210, 214, 254, 281, 325, 361, 409, 430, 432, 469, 512, 682, 713, 737, 806, 817, 830, 832, 903, 915, 936, 940, 956, 972, 979
Utah 385, 435, 801
Vermont 802
Virginia 276, 434, 540, 571, 703, 757, 804
Washington 206, 253, 360, 425, 509, 564
West Virginia 304, 681
Wisconsin 262, 274, 414, 534, 608, 715, 920
Wyoming 307